
"Short History of the Little Nestucca River Valley and Its Early Pioneers" written about South Tillamook County, Oregon

The page below was written by Mrs. Hardy Rock (Alexandria LEY Rock) and published in 1949.  NVMS students have retyped her history so that many may read it.  Although some punctuation errors have been corrected the text remains as written by Mrs. Rock.

Note that Alexandria LEY Rock's "Short History of the Little Nestucca River Valley and Its Early Pioneers" has been republished in book form as of January 2007 and is now being offered for sale by the Tillamook County Historical Society!

p. 8 Amusements continued

(This page was typed by NVMS 6th grader, Adam, during the spring of 2001 and edited by Dean Bones.)

Picnics on the beach or at Slab Creek were often enjoyed. Some ran races, some waded the creek, some gathered mussels from the low rocks at the extreme south end of the beach. Some would attempt and ascend the perilous cliff beyond the mussel rocks, just for fun. Some played ball; others surf-bathing. If the picnic was at the Lake, the children had great fun wading and playing in the Lake Stream. Picnic dinner was always the most attractive event of the day.

In more recent years, pie socials, basket or box socials, neck-tie socials, deer hunting, turkey shoots, clam digging, basketball, football, quilting bees, horseshoe pitching and baseball, all were popular past-times.

In the fall of 1948, a handkerchief shower was tendered to Mrs. Marie Bauer, widow of the late Steve Bauer, a member of the Nesco Ladies Club and 78 years of age, because in all her life, she had never had a shower. Soon after this, she passed away.

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